Glenview Meditation’s Safety & Social Distancing Measures

Glenview Meditation will take the following measures to ensure our members feel safe, healthy, and at peace in our center.

To keep our space and community safe, we kindly ask you all to follow these guidelines:

  • Stay home if you have any of the following symptoms:
    Cold symptoms, coughing, shortness of breath, elevated temperature or fever, or the sudden loss of taste and smell. If you live with someone who shows these symptoms, or who have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid19 within the past 21 days, please stay home as well.
  • Book your session beforehand
    All sessions are by appointment only. Glenview Meditation has very limited capacity and only individual guided sessions are offered at this moment. Please schedule your session at least two hours in advance. There will be no walk-in spots available.
  • Face covering required
    Upon entry and exit, everyone is required to wear a face covering.
  • Practice social distancing at all times
    While at Glenview Meditation, keep a safe and respectful distance from other people. This starts when you walk in the door.
  • Keep your hands clean / sanitized
    Make sure to use the hand sanitizer when you walk in, and please wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds after you’ve used the bathroom.
  • We keep records on of all staff and student temperatures for our safety and yours. (Optional: After checking your body temperature, please fill out the body temperature form.)
  • Online and at-center meditation sessions available
    Even though we have reopened, there will be a selection of virtual meditation classes to accommodate those who prefer to meditate at home.

We will be practicing the following measures to make sure your meditation is as safe and peaceful as possible:

  • Cleaning in between classes
    We will make sure to clean the center thoroughly in between classes in order to create clean spaces where you can truly relax.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available
    We will provide hand sanitizer around our center for you to use.
  • We’re in this together. Be kind, spread love, & stay connected
    We’re happy to see you all again in our center; however, we will miss the hugs and connecting over a cup of tea. Let’s focus on the little things we can do that keep us connected.

Enjoy your practice.